Better resource allocation
Better resource allocation
Better resource allocation
The Right Team working on the right job
Improved collaboration
Faster project delivery
Increased flexibility
Higher quality output
SPRINT and PI Planning
Better resource allocation
Better resource allocation
The Right Team working on the right job
The Right Team working on the right job
Improved collaboration
Improved collaboration
Faster project delivery
Faster project delivery
Increased flexibility
Increased flexibility
Higher quality output
Higher quality output
SPRINT and PI Planning
SPRINT and PI Planning
The planning process becomes simpler and more realistic with ConnectPlans 360, a comprehensive project management tool designed to assist resource managers in overseeing teams, squads, or tribes. It offers team formulation functionalities, including:
1. Clear visibility into each team’s ongoing activities.
2. The capability to allocate teams to specific projects and initiatives.
3. An intuitive interface for setting up and structuring teams, considering the resource allocation for each team.
4. Flexible resource allocation of teams based on the percentage of time they are expected to spend within the team.