
Timesheet or time tracking has been around for many years. It all started with a sheet of paper with a tabular grid that span a period against which a person would mark time spent on what they did and when. This effectively became a measure of work performed over a time.

The Timesheet is a record of how long it takes a person to complete a particular task. Technically, it’s used as a measure how long it takes someone to complete a task. This traditional technique is now being digitised. The Timesheet is a table of data used by employers to track the amount of time a particular person has worked in a particular period.

Benefits of using CTP360 Timesheet

Time required to get things done

Employers and their subordinates can identify areas where they are wasting man hours with the aid of timesheets. They can assist in identifying tasks that take longer timespan than necessary and in making judgments about how to optimize tasks.

Project costing Accuracy

If a company bills by the hour, timesheets aid in precise and quick billing. Operational sectors including freelancing, accounting, balancing, and the law would be unable to bill clients without a supreme mechanism to track the exact hours spent.

Planning Team Workload

In their simplest form, timesheet systems offer all the data necessary to carry out a variety of HR duties, including payroll. A firm will be able to observe the number of hours an employee works so they can determine their pay even with the most basic timesheet implementation.

Increasing Employee Productivity

Identify areas of inefficiency where there is wastage of man hours. Identifying gaps and providing a platform for better utilisation of resources. It also helps identify high performer as well as support measures required for underperformers.

Compare Planned Vs Actual

Timesheets provides the much-needed insights into determining how well your plan perform. It is the only credible piece of measure, when it comes to determining of how much effort did a piece of work or activity take. It helps you compare your actual costs with your planned cost, giving you the ability to track your efficiency and profitability.

Improve Project Management

Timesheets are essential for effective project management since it helps organizations evaluate project performance. As a management tool, they can be used for capacity planning, expense tracking, and estimating team availability.

Introduction to Timesheeting

CTP360 Timesheet Features

  • Single Integrated timesheet

  • One Click Approval multiple timesheets
  • Timesheet Delegate

  • Timesheet Recall

  • Configurable Timesheet Periods

  • Timesheet Reporting


Single Integrated timesheet

Single Integrated timesheet

Submit one timesheet with activities planned in number of tools.
One Click Approval multiple timesheets

One Click Approval multiple timesheets

Approve multiple timesheets together

Timesheet Delegate

Timesheet Delegate

Ability to delegate timesheet approvals and submissions

Timesheet Recall

Timesheet Recall

Ability for resources to recall their timesheets.

Configurable Timesheet Periods

Configurable Timesheet Periods

Ability to configure your own period start and end dates

Timesheet Reporting

Timesheet Reporting

Ability to build your own PowerBI reports to report off data

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